Dear Ton, I am addressing this letter to you as the chair of the Computing Commission, but it is intended as an open letter to the whole Commission and is copied to the COMCIFS discussion group for information. I am glad to see from Mealli's latest letter (Second Call) that preparations for the IUCr Congress in Florence in 2005 are moving along well, though I am surprised that the commissions are being gently blamed for not providing program suggestions, as I had the distinct impression from earlier correspondence, that the Program Chair was interested only in names for the Program Committee at this stage, and did not want to receive suggestions for the program itself until after the Program Committee had been appointed. I wrote to the Program Chair earlier in my capacity as chair of COMCIFS, requesting space in the program for open and closed COMCIFS meetings, I was told that my request should be placed through one of the commissions as they represent the full range of activities of the Union. Since the Computing Commission is the obvious choice, I have been following instructions, trying in a gentle way to make sure that the Computing Commission provides a channel for COMCIFS' messages. I assume that this is the main reason I was asked to serve as a member of the Computing Commission. Since we are now being asked for program suggestions for the Florence congress, can I, as chair of COMCIFS, ask you, as chair of the Computing Commission, to note COMCIFS' request for an open meeting or possibly a microsymposium, and to make sure that this request is passed on the Program Committee? COMCIFS will organize the program for this meeting which will focus on how CIF will help crystallographers get the most our of the impending information revolution. Over the past decade we have prepared the groundwork with a potentially very powerful file structure. We now need to get the message out to the community so that this potential can be properly exploited by the programs the Commission members are writing. COMCIFS' activities are, I believe, highly relevant to the work of the Computing Commission and we both should benefit at this stage from closer collaboration. In previous Congresses, COMCIFS has organized its own open meetings, but since COMCIFS is not a commission but a subcommittee of the IUCr Executive Committee, we have never been consulted in the early stages of program planning and our open meetings have always been scheduled as last minute additions to the program. I am hoping that at Florence the interests of COMCIFS will be properly integrated into the program. By funnelling this request through the Computing Commission I hope we can expand the traditional activities of the Commission by including more of a focus on how the information revolution will affect crystallography. I am glad to see that the plans are shaping up for a Computing School to be run in conjunction with the Congress and I would like to suggest that this school include at least one lecture on the impact of information technology on the future of crystallography. I would see this as a lecture that would interest all those attending the school, since the students at the school will become the crystallographers who will have to live with the changes that this new technology brings. Such a lecture would also provide some light relief from the School's more focused emphasis on algorithms etc. I look forward to working with you to help integrate COMCIFS' concerns into the work of the Computing Commission and trust that you will be able to add our requests into the suggestions you make to the Florence Program Committee. Best wishes David ***************************************************** Dr.I.David Brown, Professor Emeritus Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Tel: 1-(905)-525-9140 ext 24710 Fax: 1-(905)-521-2773 *****************************************************
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