On the topic of the proposed computing school for Florence, I would like to put in a plug for a session introducing CIF and other advanced information handling schemes such as XML. Most people will be familiar with CIF as a file structure used for information exchange between different programs and different users, but in the not to distant future, particularly for the biomolecular users, CIF browsers will be able to retrieve information that is not explicitly stored in the CIF by consulting algorithms in the CIF dictionaries. XML is a similar standard, but not yet as as advanced or well established. It does, however, have much wider industry support than CIF, and the new generation of crystallographers will need to be aware of both of these standards. David ***************************************************** Dr.I.David Brown, Professor Emeritus Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Tel: 1-(905)-525-9140 ext 24710 Fax: 1-(905)-521-2773 idbrown@mcmaster.ca *****************************************************
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