On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Harry Powell wrote: > I thought it might be worthwhile to get the ball rolling on this; CCP4 > would certainly be interested in being closely involved with a > macromolecular computing school in Florence; I'd imagine something of the > order of 1 or 2 days (cf the CCP4 workshops at ACA2002 - 1 day, UC > Riverside 2003 - 3 or 4 days). I dare say the PHENIX people would also be > interested in participating - and probably people from other groups as > well. Greetings all -- my first post to this list. Just wanted to pass on word that Rigaku/MSC would be interested in participating in such a school on some level, to be defined better as plans evolved. Bev Dr. Beverly R. Vincent Technical Information Manager Rigaku/MSC 9009 New Trails Drive The Woodlands, TX 77381-5209 voice: (281)-363-1033 x123 fax: 364-3628 http://www.RigakuMSC.com
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