IUCr Commission CSMD
Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities

Chairman: Prof. Mark Spackman (Australia)
- Chemistry, University of New England
- Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia
- Telephone: +61-2-6773 2722
- Fax: +61-2-6773 3268
- E-mail: mspackma@metz.une.edu.au
General Information
This Commission of the International Union of Crystallography focuses
on experimental and theoretical work on charge spin and momentum densities.
The aim is to combine experimental techniques, theory and computations
to come to a coherent understanding of electronic charge, spin and momentum
densities in atoms, molecules and condensed matter. The Commission usually meets
at the
- IUCr Congress and General Assembly,
- Sagamore conference, and the
- Gordon Research Conference on "Electron Distributions and Chemical Bonding"
which are held in consecutive years, and on a three-year cycle.
Forthcoming conferences and workshops
- IXS2001
International Conference on Inelastic X-ray Scattering (Haikko, Finland, 22-26 August 2001)
Recently held conferences and workshops
- Minutes of Commission meeting, Seattle
(16 August 1996)
- First European Charge Density Meeting, Nancy, France (14-16 November 1996)
- 1996 Triennial Report for Acta Cryst.
- Minutes of Commission meeting, Saskatchewan, Canada,
(28 July 1997)
- Minutes of Commission meeting, Oxford, UK
(3 September 1998)
- Minutes of Commission meeting, Glasgow, UK
(8 August 1999)
- 1999 Triennial Report for Acta Cryst.
- Minutes of Commission meeting, Stare Jablonki, Poland
(7 September 2000)
Links to other relevant www-pages
Computer programs (Software)
- XD Multipole
Refinement Program (E-mail: Tibor
Koritsanszky )
- WIEN97 A full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) package for calculating crystal properties
- MEED A program package for electron density distribution calculation by the maximum entropy method (E-mail: Makoto Sakata )
- CRYSTAL98 Electronic structure of periodic systems (Hartree-Fock and DFT)
- GAMESS General ab initio quantum chemistry package
Last modifications: 25 September 2000 Mark Spackman