Chair: Alessia Bacchi (Italy)
Dipartimento di Chimica Generale ed Inorganica,
Chimica Analitica, Chimica Fisica
Parco Area delle Scienze, 17A
Parma, Italy
The IUCr Commission on Structural Chemistry (IUCr CSC) is one of several
International Union of Crystallography Commissions and is responsible for supporting
activities relating to chemical crystallography. This page reports on those
activities and provides historical and background information.
Created by J. Flippen-Anderson
IUCr CSC Sponsored Meetings,
Schools and Symposia 2005 – 2008
Fourth Russian National Crystal Chemical
Conference - Chernogolovka June 26 - 30, 2006
The Conference will be held in the year of
the fiftieth anniversary of the Scientific Center in Chernogolovka (SCC), RAS,
and it will take place at the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics in SCC.
Scientists from Russia and other countries are invited to participate in the
languages are Russian and English.
Conference Topics:
1. Organic
crystal chemistry
2. Crystal
chemistry of coordination and organometallic compounds
3. Inorganic
crystal chemistry
4. Crystal
chemical aspect in materials science. Relation between structure and properties
5. Chemical
bond in crystals
6. Structural
aspects of reactions in crystals
7. Dynamic
crystal chemistry
8. Structural
investigations by means of synchrotron and neutron irradiations and electron
9. Modern
features of powder diffraction
10. Modern
problems of education in the field of crystal chemistry
11. New
experimental methods in crystal chemistry
"INDABA5" workshop "Models,
Mysteries and Magic of Molecules" - Berg-en-Dal Kruger National Park South
Africa 20-25
August 2006
The INDABA workshop is organized by the South African Crystallographic Society
(SACrS) in conjunction with the Structural Chemistry Commission of the International
Union of Crystallography (The SC Commission has been involved with the INDABA
since its inception). Next year's theme is "Models, Mysteries and Magic of
Molecules". Details of the theme, venue and organizing committee can be
found on the website
Invited speakers
and/or programme committee members for INDABA5:
Frank Allen
Mihael Atanasov
Jan Boeyens
Hans-Beat Buergi
Peter Comba
Gautam Desiraju
Martin Egli
John Helliwell
John Ogilvie
Eiji Osawa
Zorka Papadopolos
Vaclav Petricek
School “Structural analysis by X-ray
diffraction, crystallography under perturbation” - Université Poincaré Nancy I- 28 august – 02 september
This school will gather together around 80 participants and 10 speakers from different countries and different scientific areas, physicists, chemists. The program will cover all basics of single crystal X-ray diffraction and structural analysis of small molecule systems. Several sessions will be more precisely devoted to crystallography under perturbation (light excitation, pressure), which is a rapidly developing field of crystallography. The courses will be separated into main sessions and tutorials of several crystallographic softwares (wingx, crystal, peanut, shelx). The preliminary program is the following:
I) Crystal structure determination
Basis of crystallography (direct
lattice, reciprocal lattice, symmetries)
From diffusion to the diffraction of X-rays
Direct methods, heavy atom methods
Crystal structure refinement (least-squares)
5) Thermal smearing models
1) Diffraction under light excitation :
Diffraction under pressure
Presentation of thesingle crystal diffraction beamline of the French
synchtotron SOLEIL
III) Utilisation of crystallographic softwares
General presentation
Invited speakers:
Several invited speakers have already accepted to participate to this school:
Watkin : Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford, England (courses on
least-squares methods)
Blessing : Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, Buffalo, USA (courses
on direct methods)
Beat Bürgi : Laboratorium für Chemische und Mineralogische Kristallographie,
Bern, Switzerland (courses on thermal smearing effects)
Lecomte : Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Modélisation des Matériaux
Minéraux et Biologiques, Nancy, France (introductory lectures)
Daran : Laboratoire de chimie de Coordination, Toulouse, France
Prepare articles for the IUCr Newsletter identifying Commission officers,
members and consultants and announcing and reporting on meetings, schools,
workshops, projects and other activities. If appropriate identify significant
developments in the area of the Commission and awards to or news about
community leaders.
World Directory Liaison –Gather names and addresses of scientists interested in
the research area of the Commission and forward them to the IUCr Newsletter
Office (e-mail addresses) and the General Editor of the World Directory (e-mail
Liaison with Commission on Crystallographic Teaching (Chair: P. Spadon: – Provide the following in the area of expertise of the
list of names and dates of national and international schools
list of books, web sites, teaching aids
Liaison with Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature (Chair: A. Authier: and COMCIFS (Committee for the Maintenance of the CIF
Standard; Chair: I.D. brown: – Propose a list of
definitions of technical terms or jargon pertinent to the activities of your
Commission. The old International Tables have lists of some basic definitions
that should be updated.
Liaison with Commission on Journals – Propose expanded areas of coverage of
existing journals (print, electronic or virtual), new areas of coverage or
perhaps a new journal or changes in formatting to serve better the needs of the
Liaison with Commission on International Tables – Propose new volumes of
International Tables (print, electronic or virtual), tailored to the needs of
the Commission.
Liaison with the Chair of the IUCr/Oxford Press Book Series Selection Committee
(H. Schenk: – Identify the need for new books on the
topic of the Commission and potential authors.
Webmaster Maintaining the Commission web site
60th Anniversary Planner – 2008 will be the 60th anniversary of the IUCr and
the 40th anniversary of JAC. Suggestions for suitable events to celebrate the
occasion will be identified.
After the IUCr Congress in
Ottawa in 1981 there were grumblings within the small molecule community that
"disproportionately few oral sessions were devoted to small molecule
structural analysis and those were relegated to the last days of the meeting
when protein crystallographers had departed and most attendees were
exhausted". To correct this perceived injustice a band of rogue small
moleculers (Duax, Flippen-Anderson, Niedle and Stezowski) organized a grass
roots movement to establish an IUCr Commission dedicated to "small"
molecules. They contacted as many National Committees as possible in an effort
to generate enough support to get their proposal on the agenda for the IUCr
meeting in Hamburg in 1984. Response from the National Committees was favorable
enough to get the proposal on the agenda. From the beginning there was much
discussion on what the commission should be called and what topics it should
encompass. All small molecules? Only bioglogical molecules? How "big"
is "small"?
Lively discussion on naming
the Commission and what it should include continued, even at the Congress
itself (Acta Cryst. (1987) A43, 438-439), but the end result was
that the establishment of the Commission on Small Molecules was officially at
the 13th General Assembly in Hamburg.
The terms
of reference for the Commission are:
(a) to
advise the IUCr on organizing or sponsoring sessions on small-molecule
structural analysis at Congresses and conferences;
(b) to
promote and coordinate scientific exchange between countries in the field of
small-molecule structural analysis;
(c) to
cooperate with the Commissions of the Union on matters dealing with
small-molecule structural analysis;
(d) to cooperate with other international bodies
concerned in small-molecule structural analysis.
in the Assembly the size of the Commission was increased to have a Chairperson
and 10 elected members. This was approved only for the 1984-1987 triennium and
the Commission was subsequently reduced to a Chairperson and 8 members. Today
the Commission is composed by a Chair, 9 members, and 10 consultants.
first Chair of the Commission was John Stezowski. He was followed by Bill
Duax,Frank Herbstein, Karl Kruger, Judy Flippen-Anderson, Lee Brammer and
currently Alessia Bacchi.
name of the Commission was officially changed to the Commission on
Structural Chemistry at the 17th General Assembly in Seattle. The terms of
reference have not changed.