[IUCr Home Page] [Crystallographic Computing Commission of the IUCr Homepage] The IUCr CompComm homepage is at http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/comm/ccom/
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CompComm Logo

International Union of Crystallography Commission on Crystallographic Computing banner logo

Submissions for the CompComm Logo Competition

(Submissions were due by 2nd July 2004)

Winners of the CompComm Logo Competition for the CompComm Logo Competition

Paul and Kathy Sehnke

Synopsis: "This logo represents some important molecular structural components of which the computing commission works with and works towards. The X-ray film, diffraction pattern, computer, beta strand and helix are surrounded by a line which symbolizes the box that contained the Beevers-Lipson Strips. These elements within the logo were and are necessary for the end result of solving a molecular structure." - Paul and Kathy Sehnke

CompComm Newsletter Logo

Paul and Kathy Sehnke IUCr Computing Commission logo

CompComm Webpage Logo

Paul and Kathy Sehnke IUCr Computing Commission log

CompComm Siena 2005 Logo

Paul and Kathy Sehnke IUCr Computing Commission log

Original files

Zipped file containing Paul and Kathy Sehnke CompComm logos as the original Adobe Illustrator files

Juergen Kopf

Synopsis: "Some chemistry, some crystallography on my main tool" - Juergen Kopf

CompComm Logos

Juergen Kopf IUCr Computing Commission logo .. Juergen Kopf IUCr Computing Commission logo

Zipped file containing Juergen Kopf CompComm logos as the original PDF, EPS and Star Office files

Nikos Kourkoumelis

CompComm Newsletter Logo

Nikos Kourkoumelis IUCr Computing Commission logo

CompComm Webpage Logo

Nikos Kourkoumelis IUCr Computing Commission log

CompComm Siena 2005 Logo

Nikos Kourkoumelis IUCr Computing Commission log

Original files

Zipped file of the Zipped file containing Nikos Kourkoumelis CompComm logos as the original PaintShop Pro PSD format

Michael Nippus

Synopsis: "An Eulerian Cradle under computer control. The PC monitor showing the IUCr-scattering center. The CompComm is in the Phi-Circle. Keyboard ready for Hackers. The cradle's colour is green, since (nearly) all crystallographers are familiar with it." - Michael Nippus

CompComm Logos

Michael Nippus IUCr Computing Commission logo .. Michael Nippus IUCr Computing Commission logo

Zipped file containing Michael Nippus CompComm logos as JPGs and CDR file

Armel Le Bail

Synopsis: "A computer, a programming language (FORTRAN is still there), and Crystallography can progress, otherwise not." - Armel Le Bail

CompComm Newsletter Logo

Armel Le Bail IUCr Computing Commission logo

CompComm Webpage Logo

Armel Le Bail IUCr Computing Commission log

CompComm Siena 2005 Logo

Armel Le Bail IUCr Computing Commission log

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Please feel free to email any queries to: a.l.spek@chem.uu.nl