The School would not have been possible without generous sponsored
by the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), the Collaborative
Computational Project for Protein Crystallography (CCP4), Digital
Equipment Corp., Merck Research Laboratories, Molecular Simulations
Inc. (MSI), the National Science Foundation (NSF), Reciprocal
Space Ventures Inc., Silicon Graphics Inc., and the US Department
of Energy.
On a personal note thanks to Angela Loh for arranging the loan
of a variety of Digital hardware and software, and to Jim Aquino
and Vaughn Winslow, also of Digital, for getting it in place.
Thanks to Monte Montebello of Silicon Graphics for arranging the
loan of SGI hardware and software.
Thanks to the Western Washington University staff - Diane Bakkom,
Manager of Conference Services, Lois Longwood, also from Conference
Services, Susan Komsky, Director of Academic Technology, Gerry
Price and Terry Dayton from Computer Services, and especially
Jerry Huddle from media maintenance, who sat through every session,
and learnt more about computational crystallography that perhaps
he wanted.
Thanks to John Westbrook who helped reduce our level of panic
in managing all the loaned computer systems.
A special thanks to the SDSC folks. Pre-meeting Gerry Nordstrom and Jim D'Aoust for taking care of the accounting and especially to Holly Boyce who took care of everything, including the organizers! Finally, in terms of the published and electronic Proceedings thanks to Gail Bamber for her artwork and especially to David Hart for copyediting the whole volume.