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Collaborative Computational Project Number 14 (CCP14) For Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction (Freely Available Crystallographic Software for Students and Academia) |
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ABSOR - Bachir Ouladdiaf
aixCCAD - Richard Dronskowski
Alpha thermal expansion tensor fortran code by S.M. Jessen and
Ross Angel Crystallographic Software
ANHARM - Hans Boysen
ANSTO GUI LHPM-Rietica for Win32 Rietveld and Related Software
- Brett Hunter
Armel LeBail's Website
Crystallography Source Code Museum - Armel LeBail
AXES for DOS and Windows - Hugo Mandar
AXES for DOS and Windows - Hugo Mandar
Balls and Sticks - Sung J. Kang & Tadashi C. Ozawa
Davor Balzar's Website
Open Babel - Geoff Hutchison
Len Barbour's X-Seed / XSEED Website
Henry Barwood Powder Film Digitisation Tutorial
BCA (British Crystallographic Association) Collated
Crystallographic Spreadsheets in MS Excel format - David
The Official Beartex Web Site - (Berkeley Texture Package)
- Rudy Wenk
A Beartex Site - (Berkeley Texture Package) - Daniel Chateigner Site
B.A. Frenz SPD Single Crystal Suite Website - Commercial -
Bert Frenz
BGMN Rietveld - Joerg Bergmann
Sandy Blake's Crystal Growing webpage
Robert H. Blessing FTP Site
Bond Valence Wizard - Ivan P. Orlov and Konstantin Popov
Paul Boyle's Web area
Brian Toby's Home Page
Bristol University - Crystallography Lab - Jonathan
Cambridge Crystallography Subroutine Library Documentation
- at ILL - P. Jane Brown
Computational Crystallography Toolbox (CCTBX) - Ralf W.
Conscript - M. C. Lawrence
CRYSFIRE Powder Indexing Suite - Robin Shirley
CAOS (Crystal Analysis Operating System) - Riccardo Spagna
CPC (Computer programs in physics and
physical chemistry) (at Queens University Belfast)
CRI Convert for DOS/ConvX for Windows - Mark Bowden
Cross-Sections and Scattering Factor Code, Tables and Software
- Sean Brennan
Cross-Sections and Scattering Factor Code, Tables and Software - Sean Brennan
CRUNCH - University of Nijmegen - R. de Gelder and R.A.G. de Graaff
CRUSH - Cambridge University - Martin Dove
CRUSH - Cambridge University - Martin Dove
Crystal Cracker - Kurt Leinenweber
Crystal Impact - Commercial Site - Holger Putz
WinCRYSTALS 2000 (Crystals for Windows Single Crystal
Suite) - David Watkin
CSIRO Crystallography FTP Server - Tony Sanderson
DBWS Rietveld - Ray Young
DBWSTOOL - Lucas Bleicher
DERB and DERFFT - Espinat et al. (1993) J. Appl. Cryst., 26,
DEBVIN Rietveld and Pulwin PXRD analysis - Sergio Bruckner
DICVOL - D. Louer and A. Boultif
Diffax - Michael Treacy
Methods of Solving Crystal Structures - Fan,
Hai-fu & colleagues
Crystallography Software - Fan, Hai-fu & colleagues
Robert E. Dinnebier website
DIRAX - Albert J.M. Duisenberg and A.M.M. Schreurs.
Dirdif - University of Nijmegen - Paul T. Beurskens and R.
de Gelder
DPLOT - David Hyde
DMPLOT Rietveld Plot Viewer - Stanislaw Gierlotka
DRXWin - University of Valencia - Vicent Primo Martin
DS*SYSTEM - Kenji Okada
Klaus Eichele's Solid State NMR and Structure Transformation
ETHZ Software - Christian Baerlocher
ETHZ Software - Christian Baerlocher
Farhan - Khalid Al-Farhan
Fityk - Marcin Wojdyr and Stanislaw Gierlotka
EUHEDRAL (previously called FaceLift) - Martin
Lutz, Bijvoet Center - Utrecht University
EUHEDRAL (previously called FaceLift) - Martin Lutz, Bijvoet Center - Utrecht University
Fortran Friends - Kate Crennell
Fullpat - Steve Chipera and Dave Bish
Fullprof Suite for Rietveld Analysis, Powder Indexing,
Visualisation and much more - Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal, WinPlotr
Interface - Thierry Roisnel, GFourier - Javier
Nicholas Glykos software
Mickey Gunter software
FIT2D - Integration of Image Plate Powder Data - Andy
FIT2D - Integration of Image Plate Powder Data - Andy Hammersley
Howard Flack Crystallographic FTP Area - Camel Jockey, Diffrac,
GAMATCH (Kin Yip Tam and Richard G. Compton) - John
GAMATCH (Kin Yip Tam and Richard G. Compton) - John Alden
Garlic - GPL Molecular Visualization Program for UNIX by
Damir Zucic
Ghostscript / Ghost Script / Ghostview / Ghost view -
Russell Lang
Ghostscript archive
GSAS Rietveld/Structure Analysis System - Bob Von Dreele
F. J. Rotella, R. von Dreele et al. TOFLS - TOF Rietveld Code
GSAS-BATCH - Duan Qiang (David) Wang
Alan Hunter's Shelx Users Manual and other Crystallographic
Teaching Materials
GSAS to Igor Pro Converter - Jaap Vente
Gzwilling - Ralf Muller
XianRong Huang Software
Some IBM 1620 Source Code and Manuals - Dick van der Helm
ILL Diffraction Group - Alan Hewat
ISOTROPY - Harold T. Stokes and Dorian M. Hatch
Maxim V. Lobanov Software
JANA2000 Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction Software Website
- Vaclav Petricek
John Evans's Homepage - Topas Academic - Alan Coelho - jEdit
Kcristal for Linux - Vegner Utuni
Kohl / TMO - Prof. Franz Kohlbeck
Stefan Krumm's Geological Software Web Page
LAPOD - J. Ian Langford
LAPODS - J. Ian Langford and Cheng Dong
Larry Finger's WEB site
Lauecell and Strategy - Raimond Ravelli
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Structural Biology
- Bernhard Rupp
Lazy Pulvarix and Structure Tidy - Professor Erwin Parthe
Lcells and OLEX - Oleg V. Dolomanov
LinGXs - Ralf Muller
Daniel B. Litvin Spacegroup and Crystallographic software
LMGP (Laboratoire des Materiaux et du Génie Physique de l'Ecole
Supérieure de Physique de Grenoble) suite for Windows - Jean
Luca Lutterotti WEB site
Macdiff plus SediTools, Log Generator, QuickTrace for Mac -
Rainer Petschick
MacPDF - Richard Rose
Paul Mallinson Homepage
MarchingCubes - Michal Husak
Marcus Bond's Software and On-line Resources for
Crystallography Education Home Page
Marc De Graef Web Site
Mario Nardelli - Crystallographic Programs and Source Code
Max Taylor Crystallographic Teaching MS Excel Spreadsheets -
Fourier Maps
Mondorescue for Linux and FreeBSD
Mudmaster, RockJock and Galoper - Dennis D. Eberl
Neutron Scattering Lengths on the Web - Alan Munter
NIH Image - Wayne Rasband
Nita Dragoe's Web Site
Stanley Nyburg source code
Oak Ridge ORTEP Web Site - Michael N. Burnett and Carroll
K. Johnson
Ortep for Linux Binaries - Martin Kroeker
Ortep-3, WinGX, WinStruplo, WinDIRDIF and Platon for MS Windows
- Louis J. Farrugia
ORTEX for MS-Windows - P. McArdle
PATE C, FOUE, Coue and Jitax, GPL'd source code and Windows
Executables - Scott Belmonte
PATSEE - Dr. M. Bolte, E. Gemmel
PDPL/Profil Suite - Jeremy Cockcroft
Pearson.xls - Vinnie Gupta
PFE for MS Windows (Programmers File Editor) - Alan
PKWARE FTP Site - Shareware/Evaluation Versions -
PKWARE Support
PowDLL - Nikos Kourkoumelis
Lauecell and Strategy - Raimond Ravelli
ObjCryst++ and FOX - Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Platon - Ton Spek, Bijvoet Center -
Utrecht University
Platon - Ton Spek
POFINT - Daniel Chateigner
QTA Internet Course - Daniel Chateigner
popLA - Thomas Mason
Powder/TAUP - Daniel Taupin
Povray - Persisence of Vision Ray Tracing
Povray - Persisence of Vision Ray Tracing
Povray - German Site - Persisence of Vision Ray Tracing - with Applications
Powder Cell for MS-Windows - Werner Kraus
and Gert
Powder Cell for MS-Windows - Werner Kraus and Gert Nolze
PowderX - Cheng Dong
LAPODS - J. Ian Langford and Cheng Dong
Mauro Prencipe software
Prodd Rietveld - Jon Wright and Bruce Forsyth
Prometheus - Werner Kuhs
PROSZKI and XRS for PC - Wieslaw Lasocha
PSSP - Peter Stephens
RAD, FIT, PEDX, IFO - Valeri Petkov
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve FTP-Area
RASMOL main Site
RASMOL for UNIX (updated)
Renex for Windows - Vadim Gorbatenko
REMOS and Superspace groups for 1D and 2D Modulated Structures
- Akiji Yamamoto
Rietan Rietveld - Fujio Izumi's Web Site
Hugo Rietveld - Rietveld Method Web-site
Joseph H. Reibenspies Web and Software Area - Texan A & M
RMC (Reverse Monte Carlo) software for Glasses, Amorphous, Single
Crystal, Powder Diffraction, Diffuse Scattering - Robert
RMSKempten - Commercial
ROTAX for Windows - Simon Parsons and Bob Gould
J.J. Rousseau Visual Basic and Java applets - author of a recent
book : Basic Crystallography, John Wiley, 1998.
Shape Software WebSite - Eric Dowty
Siroquant Webpage - Sietronics
Siefert Webpage
Shelx Home Site - George Sheldrick
Simref Rietveld, Simpro Profile Refinement - Harold Ritter
SINCRIS - Alain Soyer's Homepage
Sirware Structure Solution Software - Webmaster
SnB (Shake'n'Bake) - Charles M. Weeks and Russ Miller
Specon - Wan Hong
Steffen Weber's Jcrystal crystal shape editor/viewer
Steffen Weber's Software for DOS and Java
Stoe Website - Webmaster
Bob Snyder FTP Site - (Archived as xray.alfred.edu ftp site
be disappearing)
Ian Swainson resources and tutorials
Symmet for DOS Chalk River Pole Figure Software - John Root
Symmol - Tullio Pilati
SYSTER - University of Nijmegen - Jan M. M. Smits
Texture Plus for Windows/ NIST Texture Plus - Mark Vaudin
Thomas Proffen Web-site
TOPOS Web-site - Vladislav A. Blatov
TWIN3.0 for Windows - V. Kahlenberg and T. Messner
UMWEG-98 - Demonstration Version - Elisabeth Rossmanith
UMWEG-98 - Demonstration Version - Elisabeth Rossmanith
UNITCELL, etc - Cambridge University - Tim Holland and Simon
UNITCELL, etc - Cambridge University - Tim Holland and Simon Redfern
Valence and GETSPEC - I.David Brown
Valist for Windows - Andrew Wills
VMRIA - Victor Zlokazov
WGET - Web site created by john@futuresguide.com and space
provided by Karsten Thygesen
WGET - Automirroring Software by Hrvoje Niksic
WGET 1.5 beta for MS-Windows - compiled by Tim Charron
WGET 1.4.5 for MS-Windows - compiled by Darko Budor
Wincell - Fazil Rajabalee and D. Mikailitchenko
WinMprof - Alain Jouanneaux
WinZip FTP Site - Evaluation Versions - WinZip Support
World Directory of Powder Programs (Syb Gorter)
World Directory of Powder Programs
Wulffman for UNIX - Andrew Roosen, Ryan McCormack, W. Craig
XND Rietveld On-Line Manual - Jean-Francois Berar
XND Rietveld FTP Site - Jean-Francois Berar
XFIT/Koalariet - (Coelho and Cheary) - CCP14 Contact - L.
Xtaldraw Crystal structure drawing software - Kurt L.
X-ray for Windows - Didier Villers
X-ray for Windows - Didier Villers
XRAYSCAN for DOS - Jih Shang Hwang
XRDA for Windows - Serge Desgreniers
XRDA FTP Site - Serge Desgreniers
XY2GSAS for Mac OS, Linux and Windows - Jose I. Espeso
SImPA Web Site - Serge Desgreniers
SImPA FTP Site - Serge Desgreniers
Xtal Single Crystal Suite - Xtal Suite (GPL'd - GNU Style)
XtalView for UNIX/Linux - Duncan E. McRee
ZEFSA II - Michael W. Deem
XPMA/Zortep - Laszlo Zsolnai(18.8.47 - 26.4.98)
ADATE - Roland Olsson
Avida - Avida Group
Baldwin Effect: A Bibliography - Peter Turney
CRESS - Centre for Research and Simulation in the Social Science
Encore Web Site - Joerg Heitkoetter
Mac Based A-life Software - Brian Hill
Mac Based A-life Software - Alex Kasprzyk
Machine Learning Resources and People - David W. Aha
Memetic Algorithms' Home Page - Pablo Moscato
Project: Von Neuman - Charles Ofria
Swarm - Santa Fe Institute - Marcus G. Daniels
Zooland Web Site - Joerg Heitkoetter
Tcl/Tk Consortium
Developing Graphical User Interfaces with Tcl/Tk/Expect -
The Expect Home Page - Don Libes
Gnu - Main Website
djgpp - DOS GNU based C/C++ environment and compilers - DJ
djgpp - DOS GNU based C/C++ environment and compilers - DJ Delorie
Cygnus gnu-win32 - Windows GNU based C/C++ compilers
Mumit Khan Website - Includes Cygnus GNU based Win32 C and
compiler information
Mumit Khan FTP - Includes Out of the Box EGCS C and Fortran compilers for Gnu-Win32 b19 and Mingw32
G77 Free Fortran Compilers for PC - Michael Holzapfel
FORCE Project - Fortran Compiler and Editor - Guilherme Luiz
Lepsch Guedes
User Notes on Fortran Programming (UNFP) - Abraham Agay
Resources for Fortran Programmers - Clive Page
G77 Standalone Fortran Executables for DOS/PC - Clive Page
PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library - Tim Pearson
DISLIN Scientific Data Plotting Software - Helmut Michels
GNU C++ Win32 - development tools based on the GNU C compile
GNU C++ Win32 - development tools based on the GNU C compile
wxWindows - Julian Smart
Dataplore (formerly called Santis) made using wxWindows- Ralf
Object Central - V GUI C++ Framework - Dr. Bruce E. Wampler
Object Central - V GUI C++ Framework - Dr. Bruce E. Wampler
The GUI Toolkit, Framework Page - Li-Cheng (Andy) Tai
Netlib - Eric Grosse
GAMS - Guide to Available Mathematical Software
StatCodes - Eric Feigelson
Public Domain FFT Code and links - Laurence Marks - HREM and
Structure Facility, Northwestern University, USA
Pattern Recognition Information - Bob Duin
Grand Challenge Data Access Project for HENP (High-Energy and