Contribution to the
CECAM Workshop
Landscape of Solids: from (hypothetical)
to material properties
Lausanne, Switzerland,
22-25 July 2008
Conference : "The PCOD and P2D2 Databases (P for Predicted)"
Abstract : PDF
and P2D2 databases
More in this paper: "Frontiers between crystal structure prediction
and determination by powder diffractometry,"
A. Le Bail, Powder Diffr. Suppl., Vol. 23 (2008) S5-S12.
Pictures taken at Lausanne and around
Click on the small pictures in order to get the large ones.
Canon Ixus 860, 8 mégapixels
Lausanne |
Lausanne |
Lausanne |
Lausanne |
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake

Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake |
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Cruise on the lake
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Road to the mountain
Up to the glacier
Up to the glacier
Up to the glacier
Up to the glacier
Up to the glacier
Up to the glacier
Up to the glacier
Up to the glacier
The glacier
The glacier
The glacier
The glacier
Going down
Going down
Going down
Updated August 21, 2008 - Armel
Le Bail